Utility Services Board Votes 4-1 to Have No Fiber for Meadowbrook Subdivision

The Utility Service Board voted 4 to 1 Monday night not to offer fiber to the new Meadowbrook Subdivision, which is currently being constructed on the north east side of the city.

“It all goes to cost,” said USB Chairman Kent Brewer. “We know what it costs to put the fiber out and we don’t like the fiber. We supply it and companies like ACCS can light it. Other companies can light it.”

Board member Mike Kelley made a motion to not put fiber out in Meadowbrook and it was seconded by board member Mike Reeder. Board member Rick Gunyon, who voted against the motion, asserted that the numbers put forth by Utility Service Board General Manager Todd Corrie were incorrect according to Gunyon’s numbers.

Meadowbrook is a subdivision that will have 134 lots in it. As of now, only 34 houses would be affected. Gunyon was also told by other board members they did not put fiber into subdivisions such as Southridge.

Brewer added that other companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Fiberhawk are currently supplying customers fiber to those in that area. Brewer also said they can’t compete with those companies.

Brewer did say that he has the paperwork on what the numbers are and will bring them to the first meeting in June.

“Todd supplied the correct figures,” said Brewer. “The cost estimates of what it cost. I’ll have the total cost at our next meeting what it cost throughout the whole city.”

In other news, Gunyon resigned as the liaison in charge of the Lagoons. Brewer said he wasn’t surprised by the move.

“It (the Lagoons) is self-run,” said Brewer. “They have a few fishing derbies, they have a few things out there and that liaison gets a few calls. Things like to schedule the nest fishing derby or something like that.”

Brewer added that person’s job is to put out a few picnic tables and park benches. He also said that Gunyon works full time at his job.

At the end of the meeting, Brewer put forth a motion that he thinks the USB should do a study on the Aquifer sometime this summer. The board agreed but no specific time table or date was set.