Glory Days Showcase Kicks Off Oct. 5; Registration & Auditions Due This Sunday, Sept. 8

The town of Whitestown announced that the Glory Days Showcase will be held on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Main Street Park at 4286 S. Main St. in Whitestown for community members to explore the world of artistry.

The Glory Days Showcase will kick off with artistic talents on Saturday, Oct. 5 in Whitestown with the art show spanning from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and the showcase taking the stage from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Main Street Park.

The art show and showcase has been formulated as a means for adults in the community to display their talents, such as musicians, dancers, artists and other creative visionaries.

“This special occasion offers a platform for talented individuals to display their artistic prowess, be it in music, dance, visual arts or any creative domain,” the commission released. “It promises to be an afternoon of inspiration, creativity and community, as local residents shine and share their extraordinary talents with their neighbors.”

Registration and auditions are required to participate in the Glory Days Showcase, and registrations must be submitted by this Sunday, Sept. 8 to be considered for participation. Registration may be completed here.

For more information, contact the Whitestown Arts Commission at