Carroll County Purdue Extension Launches 2026 Carroll County Theme Design Contest; Submissions Due June 20

The Carroll County Purdue Extension Office announced that the 2026 Carroll County 4-H theme contest has been launched slightly earlier this year with opportunities for individuals and teams to design a theme for the Carroll County 4-H program for 2026.

The theme design contest tasks individuals and teams to design a theme abiding by certain criteria, such as four colors minimum and digital or hand drawn art. If digitally designed, submissions must use the patented 4-H clover emblem and the design must not overlap or cover the clover.

As a club, one submission will be chosen to represent the club and will be placed on display at the 2025 Carroll County Fair with up to 13 displays possibly being viewable. Submissions must be submitted to the extension office by June 20.

Attendees at the fair may view the designs and vote for their favorite designs. The design with the most votes will be used for the 2026 handbook cover and 4-H t-shirt.

The winning theme will be announced at the fall 4-H achievement banquet.