Sgt Blayne Root Of Whitestown Receives Surprise From Family On National Law Enforcement Day

On February 16, Boone County Dispatch put out a call to law enforcement officers for a child birth in progress at State Road 47 and US 421 (the northeast corner of Boone County). Sgt. Blayne Root was off duty at the time but was near the call and responded, being the first to arrive. Upon assisting, Sgt. Root noticed that the newborn infant was not breathing, and immediately began performing life saving measures. Shortly after the baby started breathing and stabilized.
On behalf of a grateful WMPD and Whitestown Community, his quick actions in saving the life of another is praised publicly and deserving of praise for their extraordinary conduct in a lifesaving effort!

Town of Whitestown

January 9 is National Law Enforcement Day

Baby Lucas is doing fine and will turn one year old next month. The family Don, Riley, Elijah, and Lucas sent Sgt Root a present in his mail box to say thank you and let him know that he has not been forgotten. They are looking forward to taking baby Lucas to meet him some day.

This Thank you was in SGT Root’s mailbox
Sgt Root receiving award from Whitestown PD
Baby Lucas
Lucas will be turning a year old next month