It looked as though Frankfort was going to defeat Tipton in an exciting night of boys basketball at Case Arena Friday night. Tipton would come out on top despite the hard efforts of the Hotdogs. The score was 47-42.
Top scorer of the game was Frankfort’s Jayce Strode with 18 points, folliwed by Kye Kirby 12, Doug Wood 9, and Isaac Adams adding 3 points.
Tiptons top scorer was Nolan Swan with 17, Jackson Money 10, Ryan Tracey 8, Grady Carpenter 5, Gavin Hare 4, and Sam Quigly adding 3 points.
Tipton’s Junior Varsity also defeated Frankfort by the score of 45-35.
Jack Michael led the way for the Hotdogs with 22 points. Charley Beardsley and Taran Emery each had 6, and Jayden McBee added a point.
Photos by Patty Parks can be seen in the links below
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Facebook users click here for Junior Varsity game