Clinton Prairie Junior Volleyball Development League Is Back With Practices Beginning Jan. 19; Registration Due Jan. 10

The Clinton Prairie Junior Volleyball Development League is back again to help athletes interested in sharpening their volleyball skills and growing their love of the game.

The league has been advertised for volleyball players in grades fourth through eighth and will begin next month on Jan. 19.

Practices will be held Jan. 19, Jan. 26, Feb. 2, Feb. 9 and Feb. 16 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Clinton Prairie. The league will then play on Feb. 23 at Frankfort, March 2 at Clinton Prairie and March 16 at Clinton Central with an approximate start time of 1 p.m. with two or three matches per Sunday.

The cost of joining the league is $100, which includes a t-shirt jersey to keep. The league is expecting one team per grade level, but depending on the number of players, the league could have multiple teams per grade level or combined teams with different age groups.

Those interested in playing for the league may register here by Jan. 10 to participate.