CORE Community Center Dedicates Annual Campaign To William & Jean Beard

Bill Beard receives the “Frankfort Legend Award” in 2015 for the Beards’ work in the community.
– Photo courtesy of Chris McBarnes.

CORE Community Center has announced its theme for its annual campaign, dedicating the 2024 year in honor of William and Jean Beard to commemorate their efforts to bring the organization to Frankfort over 30 years ago.

On June 13, CORE Community Center announced its “A Legacy of Service” campaign theme for 2024 in honor of William and Jean Beard due to their efforts to bring the Clinton County YMCA to fruition, which rebranded to CORE Community Center in 2023.

“In honor of the man and woman who started it all 30+ years ago, CORE is proud to dedicate its 2024 Annual Campaign and Event to William and Jean Beard,” the organization released. “We hope you will join our #BeLikeTheBeards initiative to further enrich our community.”

Throughout the year, CORE plans to showcase the different ways that the Beards contributed to the Clinton County community, including a night of celebration set for Saturday, Aug. 24, which will be dedicated in their honor.