Boone EDC Embraces $70,000 Childcare Planning Grant With Compassion

In a stride toward compassion and community welfare, the Boone County Economic Development Corporation (Boone EDC) proudly announces it has received a $70,000 planning grant from the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Office of Early Childhood and Out-ofSchool Learning. A local match of $7,500 must be raised to receive the grant dollars.

The planning grant will delve into critical aspects such as infrastructure expansion, affordability, choice, and professional development, aiming to forge a foundation for sustained and compassionate childcare services, nurturing the well-being of families, and fortifying the economic development efforts of Boone County.

Early Learning Indiana’s Closing the Gap County Profile for Boone County (August 2022) unravels a poignant truth—3,522 children in need of childcare, compared against a capacity of only 1,330 seats in Boone County. Anecdotal evidence from a local employer further emphasizes the gravity, with approximately 10 absences per week translating to 80 hours of lost time—lost income for the company, the individual, and the entire community.

“As a parent and leader in our community, I believe we have an opportunity to go beyond financial numbers and statistics. It’s about providing compassion and creating a community where every family feels supported,” said Molly Whitehead, executive director, Boone EDC.

Boone EDC stands with compassionate employer partners Eli Lilly Company, NewCold, and Hendrickson, who have generously shared their data for the grant application. Lebanon, Western Boone, and Zionsville School Corporations, Little Angels Daycare, and employers American Ultraviolet, Fanimation, Ken’s Foods, RLTurner, and Stalcop have lent their support through letters of endorsement or expressed eagerness to be part of this transformative process.

Perhaps the most heartening development is the establishment of the Boone County Childcare Fund in collaboration with the Community Foundation of Boone County (CFBC). With an initial contribution of $3,750 from CFBC, the Boone EDC is halfway to matching the goal of $7,500 needed to launch the work. Corporations and individuals are invited to join the effort in shaping a better tomorrow by contributing to the fund. Donations can be made online to the Boone County Childcare Fund, and every contribution is tax deductible.

To learn more about the Boone EDC and the role they play in the community visit and donate to the Boone County Childcare Fund here.

Article written by Jennifer Rubenstein.