Whitestown & Zionsville Eye New YMCA Facility In Southeast Boone County

Civic leaders in Whitestown and Zionsville are collaborating with the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis to launch a study to gauge the community’s support for the introduction of a YMCA facility in southeastern Boone County.

The study is designed to explore ways that the YMCA facility may aid in continuing the growth of the two communities and serve the residents by introducing new programming opportunities to the area.

The location, amenities, activities, programs and partnerships for the facility with a focus on enhancing the quality of life for youth through seniors will be considered.

“Traditional and new services will be explored for residents interested in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including health and wellness opportunities, specially designed fitness programs and interest groups,” the Whitestown officials released.

The focus group is composed of municipal leaders and meetings are set to begin this month, which will be followed by in-depth telephone interviews with area households to gauge the community support and feedback.

Whitestown and Zionsville leaders discuss the possibility of a new YMCA coming to southeastern Boone County.
– Photo courtesy of the Town of Whitestown