United Way Keeps Reading Alive At Bauer Head Start Preschool

Bauer Head Start Preschool receives Scholastic donation to continue reading education.
– Photo courtesy of UW for Clinton County

The United Way for Clinton County met a community need this week by donating multiple books for a local preschool program.

The United Way reported that Assistant Director Kori Faulkner was contacted regarding the options available for the United Way to help support a local preschool in need of new books for the children to read and learn with alongside their peers.

After assessing the need and weighing the options available to help the preschool succeed with the introduction of new reading material, the United Way was able to present Bauer Head Start Preschool with multiple books, including “Pete the Cat,” “Princess Truly Picks a Pumpkin,” “Sneezy the Snowman” and more.

“With a generous Scholastic donation, the children can now enjoy fresh and exciting reads to spark their imaginations,” the organization released. “United Way for Clinton County has a mission to nurture young minds, and we are happy to be able to doante these books to Bauer Head Start Preschool.”