Towns of Kirklin and Mulberry Each Receive $700,000 From State

The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs is awarding 17 communities over $11 million in federal grants to improve their water infrastructure and expand community facilities.

In Senate District 7, three communities were awarded a total of $2.1 million to make improvements to their wastewater systems.

  • The town of Kirklin was warded $700,000 to make improvements to its wastewater treatment plant and collection system,
  • The town of Mulberry was awarded $700,000 so it can improve its two wastewater lift stations and the wastewater treatment plant to increase pumping and treatment capacity,
  • The town of New Market was awarded $700,000 for improvements to its wastewater treatment plant, including installment of a submerged aerated gravel reactor system to help reduce levels of pollutants.

Reliable water infrastructure is important to help communities grow. I congratulate local leaders for receiving these awards and thank them for working hard to make their communities even better.