Tipton County Sheriff’s Office Assists Howard County Finding Man in Cornfield

On July 29th, at approximately 2:10 a.m., the Howard County Sheriff’s Office Drone Unit was requested by the Tipton County Sheriff’s Office to assist in locating an intoxicated subject who fled on foot into a cornfield after a motor vehicle accident on SR28 & CR 600 E. In addition, the subject was believed to be injured and therefore the concern for his safety required additional assistance.

Upon arrival, the remote pilot only had a small 5-minute window to locate the subject as a large storm front with damaging winds was quickly approaching. Within minutes of arrival, the subject was located deep in the cornfield and was passed out with injuries. With 50+ MPH wind and rain, the pilot was able to instruct responding Deputies to the injured man who assisted him out of the cornfield to receive treatment by EMT’s who were on standby.

The Howard County Sheriff’s Office is committed to leveraging the power of technology to ensure the safety for our personnel and the public. We are proud to partner with the Tipton County Sheriff’s Office on this call and we look forward to all future collaborations.