Red Barn Summer Theatre Presents The World Premiere Of ‘Keep The Change’

Henry, Emma, Shake and Ruby attempt to “Keep the Change” to save the day.

The Red Barn Summer Theatre world premiere of “Keep the Change” by local playwright Michael Clossin debuts tonight for the first time in history at 7:30 p.m. with a quirky comedy set to tickle audiences of all ages.

“Keep the Change” began as a passion project for Clossin, and the show has since blossomed into an onstage production set for its world premiere tonight, June 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Red Barn Summer Theatre. Director Luke McLaughlin commented that the show centers around a “hippy” older woman who attempts to come to terms with her worsening memory loss as she plans for the future of her business amongst family gripes and schemes swirled with romance between unlikely partners.

Francis the Ordinary stirs up shenanigans upon his arrival.

“There’s an older woman, Irene, who is suffering some memory loss, and it’s kind of her coping with the ownership of her building and what’s going to happen to it after it’s gone,” McLaughlin said. “She has this cast of characters around her that she’s kind of taken on herself to take care of in a way, and now it’s their turn to take care of her.”

McLaughlin stated that the show develops a new atmosphere inside the Red Barn as it falls along the typical lines of a comedy for the first show, but the intricate and personalized dialogue, setting and details establish a homegrown environment on the stage.

“This show I think is different than a lot of things we’ve done here at the Red Barn because it features what Michael’s described as kind of broad comedy that has a lot of nice flourishes of both the younger generation and the older generation,” McLaughlin said. “I think it’s a beautiful story of how the younger generation and the older generation can connect and how our lives, although a lot different, can interweave. It’s a cool story.”

McLaughlin expressed that directing a world premiere for a show, especially a comedy composed by a local playwright whom the Red Barn Company has grown to know over the years, hosts an increased pressure to perfect the scenes and ensure that the production runs seamlessly.

Emma attempts to fight back against Sloane.

“It’s an exciting challenge, but it’s a different experience than anything I’ve ever done before,” McLaughlin said. “I’ve been in a world premiere as a performer before, but I’ve never been in a director’s chair for a world premiere.”

McLaughlin commented that the cast, comprised of Red Barn celebrities and new faces partaking in one of the first productions of their lives, has embraced the characters and formed their personalities that will act as the framework of every production that follows.

“You’re creating everything from scratch,” McLaughlin said. “When you don’t have anything to fall back on and you don’t have anything to kind of check in with, it makes the creative process more difficult.”

McLaughlin stated that Clossin has been an influential fixture in the development of the production as he arrived on the scene to guide the cast and crew in developing the nuances of the characters, designing the set pieces and bringing the costumes to fruition to bring his passion project to life on the Red Barn stage. McLaughlin encouraged the community to flock to the Red Barn for the world premiere of “Keep the Change” for an unforgettable experience, a night of relaxation and an opportunity to support a local playwright and a cast and crew that has worked tirelessly to bring the show to Clinton County.

Francis the Ordinary shows the tenants, family and friends the world of hypnosis.

“If you’ve never been out here before, it’s a beautiful venue,” McLaughlin said. “Come out and enjoy the music beforehand, have a beer or a wine from The Cellar, have a Barn Box, take in the nature that we have to offer around here and take in a really quality show by a local artist who I think would really appreciate your support. He’s put his heart and soul into this. Though he’s very nervous about it, I hope he’s pleased with the result and feels we did justice to his show.”

The Red Barn Summer Theatre has equipped new air conditioning, underwent a roofing project and installed new LED lighting inside the barn for a fresh, new experience for brand new audiences alongside seasoned members of the Red Barn community.


  • Lisa Warner Lowe as Irene
  • Xander Haan as Henry Cale
  • Kiara Wood as Sloane
  • Mary Parks as Miss Penny
  • Luke Aguilar as Shake
  • Aaron Moon as Francis the Ordinary
  • Kody Horrocks as Emma
  • Madi Myers as Ruby
Sloane sets her plan into motion.

“Keep the Change” debuts tonight, June 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Red Barn Summer Theatre at 2120 E. Kelly Rd. in Frankfort. Shows continue Thursday, June 13, Friday, June 14 and Saturday, June 15 at 7:30 p.m. with a Sunday matinee on June 16 at 2 p.m. The show will begin its second week on Wednesday, June 19 at 7:30 p.m. with following shows on Thursday, June 20, Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday matinee on June 23 at 2 p.m.

Tickets may be purchased online at, by calling the box office at 765-659-1657 or at the door before the show for $25, or $15 for students.

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Henry, Ruby, Shake and Emma celebrate a job well done.