Grisson Air Museum Warbird Golf Outing Swings Off Sept. 13

The Grisson Air Museum Warbird Golf Outing supporting the mission of the Grisson Air Museum will kick off on Sept. 13 in Logansport with a registration deadline of Sept. 1.

The tournament, located at the Logansport Golf Club at 20 Cedar Island Dr. in Logansport, proceeds are anticipated to aid in the funding of continued projects and improvements of the Grissom Air Museum with an entry fee of $260 for a team of four, which includes lunch, snacks, prizes, range balls, cart rental and green fees.

Event Schedule:

  • 12 p.m.: Lunch
  • 12 p.m.: Range Opens
  • 1 p.m.: Tee Off
  • 5 p.m.: Closing Ceremony

The event will host contests in Hole-in-One, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin and more.

To register for the tournament supporting Grissom Airforce Base, contact 765-689-8011 or