As The Twilight Years Approach…A Poem by Millard See

As The Twilight Years Approach

By Millard See

—As read by the author on WILO’s Partyline September 24, 2024.

—Written 1981 and revised 1995


As the twilight years approach and the silver strands appear,

The eye becomes a bit cloudy and we find it a little harder to hear.


The steps behind begin to falter and the voice begins to crack.

‘Tis time to hesitate , to meditate. To look back.


When we have reached a point in life, for some ‘tis a special plateau.

It seems Father Time has touched our lives and we begin to slow.


Perhaps we feel a bit sorry for ourselves and the shape we’re in.

‘Tis time to take a good look at just where we’ve been.


The joy of our youth, the strength and agility of our prime,

The years of wisdom and maturity. Yes, it has been a good time.


Let’s examine those around us, and those who passed on before.

We’re really better off than we thought, as we totaled the score.


For there are those who never reached the special time of life,

God has seen fit to call them home, away from all the strife.


He must have a special task for us as we remain here behind.

Perhaps to give a helping hand, warm smile, a word so sweet and kind.


So we should thank our God above for we, he does really does care.

Those difficult to understand things that we must bear.


Still, with all our weakness, a sort of strength lies therein.

It causes others to realize, just how fortunate they have been.


While the Grass seems always greener in someone else’s yard.

Our lives seem to get tougher. Sometimes twice as hard.


We’ll just accept what comes our way, with God’s help get by.

Guess Green and Grin and bear it and give a wink of our eye.


When the race is over, we’ll know if we’ve lost or won,

Hoping to hear God’s sweet voice, declaring a job well done.


So let’s live the best we can with no remorse or fear,

As the twilight years approach and the silver strands appear.