Clocks ‘Fall Back’ Tomorrow Morning For The End Of Daylight-Saving Time

Bill’s Clockworks in Flora issued a reminder for community members to turn their clocks back an hour tomorrow, Sunday, Nov. 3 as daylight-saving time causes the hour to “fall back.”

Daylight-saving time will fall back once again this fall tomorrow, Sunday at 2 a.m. when community members will receive an “extra hour” of sleep ahead of their next work week.

As community members adjust to the darker days of winter, daylight-saving time will lurk around the corner of 2025, set for Sunday, March 9, where clocks will “spring forward” an hour to extend the summer days for afterwork activities.

Electronics connected to wireless servers may automatically adjust to the change this Sunday, such as phones, smart watches and more, while other clocks will need to be adjusted, such as appliances, older car displays, wall clocks, alarm clocks and more to ensure every community member arrives to work just on time.

If an analog clock sticks while “falling back,” spring forward to Bill’s Clockworks at 8 W. Columbia St. in Flora for a quick fix to the issue.