Rossville Names New Middle & High School Principal For 2024-2025 School Year

Rossville Consolidated School District announced the appointment of Michael Hammons as the newest addition to the corporation as he assumes the role of Principal for Rossville Middle and Senior High School for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.


According the the school, Hammons is entering his 17th year in education as he assumes the role with experience ranging from classroom teaching to school administration.

“Hammons and his wife and children are enthusiastic about this opportunity to work closely with the Rossville students, staff and broader community,” the district released. “Over the years, he has honed a leadership style emphasizing collaboration with students and staff, employing best practices while maintaining a fair, firm and consistent approach to student success.”

As the 2024-2025 school year begins this fall, Hammons outlined several key priorities that he will holds for the school, including building positive relationships, encouraging community involvement, maintaining a support framework and informing himself utilizing data-driven decision making.

Hammons’ first priority highlighted was his focus upon building positive relationships with staff and students throughout the school year that will provide him with the ability to address specific needs in a positive manner.

“Hammons aims to foster strong relationships with students and staff through effective communication and support for all student interests,” the district released. “This goal includes promoting a collaborative growth mindset among the school community.”

Hammons also plans to prioritize community involvement opportunities and uplifting a supportive framework that will best serve the students of Rossville, their families and the community surrounding the school.

“Recognizing the importance of positive parent and community involvement, Hammons plans to utilize the voices of students and staff to create a truly collaborative environment,” the district released. “Under Hammons’ leadership, the administrative staff will continue to uphold and enhance the student support framework, which is based on fairness, firmness and consistency.”

Hammons announced that his fourth priority for the school resides within data-driven decision making, which will lead him to survey and recognize trends and issues that will inform policies and procedures to best address the needs of the students and staff.

Hammons is committed to using data to inform policy and procedures, equipping students with life-long decision-making skills, social-emotional learning and preparation for life after graduation,” the district released. “This data-driven approach will identify and build upon the school’s strengths and address improvement areas, ensuring student opportunities are maximized.”

Hammons expressed his excitement for the new role as he prepares to assume his office as the 2024-2025 school year kicks off.

“We are looking forward to seeing all of you and beginning an exciting new school year,” Hammons stated. “Together, we will work towards creating an environment where every student can thrive.”

Hammons was joined by Sierra Hall during the announcement, and Hall will serve as the new Assistant Principal of the school alongside Hammons.