Carroll County EMA Launches CPR Classes For Community Members

Carroll County Emergency Management recently announced that it has received support from the Carroll White REMC Round Up to continue its CPR Training initiative for community members seeking to take CPR classes.

Delphi firefighters practice CPR for cases involving unresponsive patients.
– Photos courtesy of Delphi Fire Department

The three classes will run on Feb. 29 at 5 p.m., March 19 at 5 p.m. and April 16 at 5 p.m. at the Carroll County Annex Building at 405 Cottage St. in Delphi. The classes are limited to 15 participants for each date, and community members can contact Director Mike Fincher at or 765-564-4243 for more information.

“This is an excellent opportunity to learn life-saving skills and contribute to the safety of our community,” EMA wrote. “Together, we build a stronger and more prepared Carroll County.”