Tour of Trees Event Winner Announced on WILO’s Friday Partyline Show

Winner of the Tour of Trees event at Wesley Manor was The Frontier Girls.

Director of Life Enrichment at Wesley Manor Melissa Robertson made a very special announcement on WILO’s Partyline program Friday morning by announcing the Tour of Trees winner.

Robertson said they had two goals for the Tour of Trees.

“One was to have the community come into the facility and to help decorate for Christmas,” said Robertson. “We had 23 trees on display which was very, very nice. Our second goal was to do a community service project to give back to Clinton County.”

Robertson named the top five trees. The top five are 1. The Frontier Girls; 2. Day and Genda Funeral Home; 3. Clinton County Humane Society; 4. Goodwin Funereal Home/Archer Weston Funeral and Cremation Center; 5. The Salvation Army.

“They are a scouting style youth group for the girls,” said Robertson of the Frontier Girls. “They promote leadership, character, teamwork and service. The girls in the troop have set up one-on-one (meetings) with the residents of Wesley Manor on a monthly basis.”

Robertson said they received over 480 no-perishable food items which were taken to the Salvation Army and about 85 pet items which were given to the Clinton County Humane Society. She added they had 750 votes for the event.

More photos from the Tour of Trees available on Facebook.