Council Tables Three Hour Parking Limit Decision Then Removes It From Agenda

The Frankfort City Council elected to not approve an ordinance that would have revised the three hour parking limit on South Main Street in downtown Frankfort.

“We asked them (Envoy) to come up with a plan for us for a housing study and a parking study,” said Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets. “We just got that back from them now and what the cost of that study would be. We’re going to be doing sometime in the near future.”

The council voted to remove the item from any future agenda until they are ready to make a decision.

In other news, the council passed the first reading on an additional appropriation ordinance to help out the Frankfort Police Department with some bills. Sheets said they are running close to going over their budget for the year because they had to payout for some of those who retired, new hire clothing, overtime, fuel and the utilities which are higher in the newer building than expected plus they still have to pay some utilities in the old police station.

The total for all of that was $76,000.

Under old business, there was discussion about the proposed new fire station.

“We’re still looking at an area west of County Road 450 West,” said Sheets. “We will hopefully have the private public agreement for November to have that approved by the Council and the Board of Works to let them go ahead and start with the design phase. And, also they are going to be the ones purchasing the land in the BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) agreement.”

Sheets added they are still looking at land west of 450 West. However, they are not sure where that will be depending upon which land is available.

Since they were unable to secure the grant for Phase III of the Maish Road project, the City Council heard about the new plans for the project.

“We’re looking again at applying for a grant for Phase III of Maish Road which takes it on out to Kelley Road, finishing the sidewalks in that walking and biking path,” said Sheets.

The council was supposed to make an appointment to the Utility Service Board. However, it didn’t quite happen that way as the vote on board member Rick Gunyon resulted in a 3-3 tie.

“We tabled it because it was a tie vote,” said Sheets. “That is a council appointment to the Utility Service Board, and if I would break that tie, then it just looks like it would be my appointment and I already have three appointments on the Utility Service Board.”

Councilmen Brandt Fuller, Joe Palmer and Clarence Warthan voted against Gunyon keeping his position on the USB while council members Eric Woods, Steve Beardsley and Megan Sheets all voted for Gunyon.

The tie is because there has not been a replacement named for Mike Brite, who resigned his District 3 position on the council last month.