Frankfort DECA Wraps Up Year 12 Distributing 3,835 Buddy Bags Through Project

Frankfort High School DECA Chapter finished the school year having distributed 3,835 Buddy Bags through their annual community service project, DECA Backpack Buddies. Weekend food bags were delivered to all CSF schools for 34 weeks throughout the 2022-2023 school year.

Frankfort students on the Marketing & Sales career pathway are members of the DECA chapter. 

DECA prepares emerging leaders in the area of marketing, hospitality, management, and entrepreneurship in high schools and colleges around the world. The guiding principles of DECA include members gaining experience as leaders, becoming professionally responsible, community oriented, and academically prepared for college and career post-high school.

DECA Backpack Buddies was created 12 years ago by Frankfort marketing student, Hadley Catron. The purpose was to provide easy-to-make weekend snacks to Frankfort students who experienced food insecurity. 

DECA members use business and marketing skills learned in the classroom to promote the cause, budget and allocate funds, purchase and organize products, schedule Buddy Bags to be filled by FHS Community classes, conduct physical inventory, and distribute bags on a weekly basis. Operating DECA Backpack Buddies is Frankfort DECA’s second school-based enterprise. 

Buddy Bags Distributed

2022-2023:   3,835

Since inception:           48,810

Financial Donations

2022-2023:       $12,414.00

Since inception: $150,257.06

Frankfort DECA contributes the success of the annual community service project to the many local and statewide businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals and families who make financial contributions. 

A special thank you to the following donors who contributed to DECA Backpack Buddies this school year:

  • Harold and Susan Davis
  • First Evangelical Presbyterian Church
  • Jeff and Debbie Bracken
  • Anonymous
  • Deborah Boe
  • Tom and Janell Crawford
  • Mark and Susan Blank
  • Chris and Jane Carter
  • Dale Snoddy
  • Esserman’s Best-One Tire
  • Pepe’s of Frankfort
  • American Legion Post #12
  • AAA Plumbing
  • Ransom Family
  • Chris and Amanda Bishop
  • Faith Family Church
  • Lawn Tamer
  • Anonymous
  • Eric & Amy (Blank) Lousararian
  • Robinson Wood Solutions
  • Dr. Lisa Stafford, OD PC
  • VFW Auxiliary Post 1110
  • Encompass Credit Union
  • Beth Buser
  • Lori Graham
  • FHS Student Council
  • Frankfort Rotary Club
  • Dan and Charlene Kobida
  • St. Matthew United Methodist Church
  • Habitat for Humanity of Clinton County
  • Frankfort Walmart

Frankfort DECA will continue serving CSF students with Buddy Bags during the 2023-2024 school year. Financial and individually wrapped product donations are welcomed and very much appreciated. Contact for more information.