421 Forward Project Public Comment Period Comes To A Close This Friday

The public comment period for the 421 Forward Project will come to a close this Friday, May 10 until 2025.

Community members are encouraged to submit their opinion for the 421 Forward Project affecting areas of Boone County with a purpose to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility along U.S. 421.

“The need for the proposed project is evidenced by the traffic congestion along U.S. 421, which results in traffic backups along the corridor impacting adjacent subdivisions and intersections,” the project team stated in the initial public notice.

The 421 Forward Project team recently held a public information session on April 10 at Zionsville Town Hall for the community to learn more about the project, but the team is continuing to request public comments from the community to ensure that the project aligns with the community’s wants and needs.

“We are committed to providing a variety of ways for stakeholders to provide feedback during the planning process for 421 Forward,” the team released. “We recently heald a public information meeting and are gathering data about the project.”

Community members may submit comments at 421forward.com as well as view additional documents such as a video presentation for the project, the initial public notice, preliminary alternatives, such as intersection improvements and added travel lanes, frequently-asked questions and answers and more news regarding the project. The deadline to submit public comments is May 10.

Additional public engagement will take place through 2025.